Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Toys

Yesterday I got some new photo gear to mess around with. I got 2 lens hoods: one for my new 50mm lens and another for my 55-250mm zoom lens. More importantly, I also got my Canon camera backpack. Although it is a bit smaller than a standard backpack, this bag has the capacity to hold a surprising amount of gear. For starters, I fit my camera body, all 3 lenses, hoods, chargers and my 2 point and shoot cameras in just the main compartment. There are also many other pockets specifically designed to hold memory cards and other gear. There are velcro dividers in the main compartment to allow you to arrange everything however you see fit. Very pleased so far!

Here is my new 50mm lens with lens hood.

Outside of the backpack

Inside, you can see how much more room is left. Great product!

Here is a zoom comparison of my 3 lenses. 50mm, 18-55mm, and 55-250mm.

Here are the lens hoods attached. The kit lens hood and zoom lens hood are interchangeable.

Here is a shot of the 250mm zoomed all the way out. Can't wait to get some motorsports photography in soon.

All these pics were taken with my other new toy - a Samsung Galaxy S III. It has an 8mp camera and the pics seem extremely good for a phone. Also, it does cool panoramic shots like the iPhone 5.

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